All-on-4 dental implants deliver results with just four dental implants that are placed for immediate function. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia so that the patient does not feel any pain or discomfort. Four implants are placed in the areas with the highest bone volume. After placement, a new or existing denture is used as a framework for a set of temporary teeth attached the same day. The bone fully integrates with the implants within three to six months. At this point, we can place your final set of teeth.
The All-on-4 technique with Dr. Withers is designed to restore your smile with the placement of just four implants! These implants are made available for immediate use and do not require any bone grafting. They are an ideal solution for patients that have experienced bone loss or low bone density. The benefits of the All-on-4 dental implants technique include:
All-on-4 dental implants offer an affordable, natural looking way to improve your smile when bone loss has occurred. For more information about dental implants and implant supported dentures, set up your consultation with Dr. Withers today!
Dr. Withers is a Periodontist in Fairfax, VA. Dr. Withers and his team are here to serve you and meet your dental needs as comfortably as possible. It is our goal to make your experience in our Fairfax VA Dental office a pleasant visit and restore your dental health quickly and professionally.
**Notice: Dr. Withers offers these scans at no charge to patients who come for a Complimentary Dental Implant Consultation. However, should you request a copy of the scan there will be a $275 copy fee